Verify that car before you buy!
Search our regularly updated database of over 1,605 vehicles reported stolen in Nigeria.
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vehicle history reports.
Detailed vehicle inspection before purchase.
Get the most comprehensive Vehicle Pre-Purchase Inspection available in Nigeria.
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Why do I need this service?
It is a fact that about seventy percent of vehicles stolen from people end up with innocent car buyers. This service helps protect you from the dangers of inadvertently buying these stolen vehicles which will not only get you into trouble with Law Enforcement, but also make you lose resources spent on buying the vehicle once it is eventually retrieved from you and handed back to the actual owner.
Features you will love
Shows year of manufacture and type of vehicle once you input the VIN in the space(s) provided.
We maintain and continually update our database of locally missing vehicles, enabling stolen status checks to determine if a vehicle has been reported stolen in Nigeria.
Provides detailed report of a vehicle's life before being shipped to Nigeria, and contains information like:
- Accident Records,
- Flood Damage Record,
- Date Shipped to Nigeria,
- Actual Mileage,
- etc
Click here for a sample Report
Enables vehicle theft victims who have duly reported the incident to the Police provide us the details of the missing vehicles so we can make them DIFFICULT TO RESELL AND EASIER TO RECOVER.
How to Verify
You can check the theft-status of a vehicle in these easy steps.
Enter VIN / Chassis Number
Ensure you input the correct VIN/CHASSIS Number. We recommend you personally collect this number from the vehicle to avoid alterations.
Enter Email & Phone Number
A sign-up is not required for a search to be made, we only require your contact details to send a backup copy of your search results, and reach you if we have to.
Make Payment
This is to check if a vehicle has been reported stolen in Nigeria (Stolen Vehicles Check), and for a Carfax Vehicle History Report.
Our payment is powered by Paystack, and there are various super-safe payment options available. -
View Result
The result of your search is now ready to be viewed, with a backup copy sent to the provided or registered email address.