TOYOTA Sienna 2008 model - 5TDZK23C78S210350Reported missing in
AbujaDate Stolen
12th February, 2025Contact Us
07040489327The registered owner of this vehicle was contacted and they are NOT selling their vehicle.
Vehicle Valuation
Maximum Market Value
NGN 7,000,000Average Market Value
NGN 6,000,000Minimum Market Value
NGN 5,000,000Note: This is a live vehicle valuation service that takes into account each vehicle's unique condition to recommend a value for the Nigerian market.
Pre-purchase Inspection Report
54 Lobito Crescent, Wuse 2, Abuja, Nigeria
Federal Capital Territory
This vehicle is in our database of stolen vehicles. Please DO NOT buy.
Please endeavour to contact us with the details below and claim a cash reward once recovery is made
As of:14th February, 2025 05:50 am